Brookes is a well-respected chemist, editor of a leading periodical in the field, and is about to become internationally famous for his work on glowing tubes and invisible particles. He believes in the existence of spiritual phenomena; that the instruments of the laboratory and the practices of observation he uses in his day-to-day scientific work can be brought to bear on the séance, and will one day provide a natural explanation for the movements, noises, and apparations. Whilst seeing is not necessarily believing we should keep an open mind until we have actual proof that the evidence is not as it seems. Mr Wendell has not provided actual proof that there was not forces at work in the séance room that night – only his supposition. The evidence of his (Brookes') senses is clear enough: an open mind must be kept until either the cause is found or absolute proof provided of fraud. Wendall is confusing truth determined by scientific method with the expression of his own opinions. Many things that science now sees as fact were once upon a time seen as fantastic. Take the telegraph. Or Mr Wendall’s magnetic forces. The key characteristic of a scientist is objectivity, not qualifications, and objectivity requires an open mind on any question until proof in either direction has been found.